
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Curtains and Candy

I LOVE them!!! So much fun and will help keep the cold out!! And thanks to Jesse for hanging up the curtain rod with the screw driver when the both drill batteries died! Such a strong Jesse! I was thinking I might get some fabric that is colored and put it up at the top like a fake valance…Just gotta find that! I have been looking at lots of quilting patterns lately and wow there are some very talented quilters out there! I don’t know that I like the super intricate designs but I have come up with some cool ideas for my next project! Can’t wait to get it started.
So we have had this large bowl of Halloween candy that Maia like to take stuff out shake it about and put it back in, no harm done right? So she started to get attached to this long tootsie roll it was perfect wand size and she would wave it around and beat the bowl with it; great system we had going on. Today while I was getting breakfast going she was playing with the bowl and other toys and I come back and she has devoured 3/4 of the tootsie roll along with half of the wrapper!! Serves me right for letting her play with candy! But her candy eating did not end there. Later on this afternoon she found a fun size pack or rollos she had hidden earlier from her playing with candy times. Started the same way waving it around beating things with it, but being rollos the gold foil began to open up. So she puts it in her mouth, naturally, and started chewing on it and realized its delicious. It was hard to pry away from her. Sure will be fun to give her cake on purpose on her birthday!
DSCF4637  drunk on candy
shortly followed by the sugar blues

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