
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We had a great weekend hanging out with Uncle Bob and Auntie Pam! We are so excited they came out to visit us! On Saturday we went on a River boat Lunch Cruise in Muscatine; Maia went to play with the Ruffs. It was really cool, it was definitely a boose cruise but we were sitting in our own secluded section and we had a great time!

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On Sunday Rob ran the Quad Cities Marathon!! We met up and cheered him on at mile 8 and then found him at the finish line. It took him about 5 hours and few minutes, it’s an AMAZING accomplishment!

This photo is about 30 feet from the finish line!


Miss Maia has been having LOTS of fun with family in town! She has gotten so mobile and has taken up chasing down Pam when she isn’t playing with her. It’s super cute! The girls were able to go shopping while Jesse was in school and Rob got to rest his sore feet! Maia is a pretty good shopper already! She is very talkative lately and makes noise especially loud anywhere she can hear her echo. Today she was cruisin along the wall trying to get into the diaper bag when she just let go and stood by herself for a full minute!! I couldn’t believe my eyes my tiny baby is getting so big so quickly! Along with all her crawling and cruisn’ she has taken to hitting her head on just about everything! We are tempted to look into a helmet to at least let her forehead bruises heal before she hits them again! She is pretty fearless our small one. She even stands in her crib waiting for us to come and get her once she wakes up!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boards Weekend

As I was planning out my week I noticed I had at least one something going on every day this week! Then as the time has gone by one by one things on my to do list have gotten cancelled. Which is okay I can have things more spaced out this way but when my Dentist appointment got cancelled and rescheduled for next week I totally lost it! Who cries when they don’t get to go to the Dentist?! Someone with a toothache, i.e. I DO!! Yes it was kind of embarrassing explaining why I was crying to my husband but I have been waiting to see a dentist for almost a month now about this darn tooth and they moved my appointment! I am about 95% sure my tooth is cracked and I know it wont even get fixed right away when I got to the appointment they will have to do it at a next appt which is why i was so discouraged. So just one more week and I will know what to expect with that!

On other news we had a long weekend because Jesse isn’t taking boards for another year so we had some fun! We finished painting taught Maia to crawl and climb on her daddy and went to the zoo with the Ruff’s and Merrills! It was super fun!

DSCF4395 Fish                                    DSCF4391 Elephants

DSCF4396 Goats                                 DSCF4398 Emus

DSCF4400 Lions! (this guy was soo loud!)  DSCF4399 Turtles! Which tried to bite!


We also had some fun getting Maia a baby doll! She thinks its really funny, probably because it has no hair and no control of its body. Its a cabbage patch what do you expect?

DSCF4386  But she DID try to give it a baba! Quite forcefully I might add, she beat it with its bottle.


And today we went out to do a few errands and Maia was such a good baby. When we were at the grocery store I found her a treat to hold onto so she would keep being good. When we got home Daddy opened it for her.

DSCF4406 Two hands up for Daddy!                        DSCF4408

All in all it was a pretty fun way to end the last long weekend of the tri!



Sunday, September 5, 2010

We Painted!!

So it has been pretty eventful at the Fox house! This week I started my new job this week! I was able to do two massages this week, not much but its a good start! I am working at the Institute of Massage Therapy and Wellness in Davenport, it's definitely different from the school I went to but a job is a job.
I am happy to say I am posting from our brand new desktop!!!!!! My dad is so great! He gave us my brothers old desktop (which really isn't old at all but it's new to us!) it is about a hundred times faster than our laptop we were using. It's wonderful thank you dad!! How did the computer get here? Why my mom and Mandy came to visit and brought it with them! It's a short visit but it has been fun to spend some time with them. They helped us paint our apartment!

It's something we have been talking about doing for a while we just couldn't decide on a color. When my mom got here we went to the store and just picked a color I liked, my mom was skeptical at first but now that it's on the wall we all LOVE it!! With the new paint we moved the furniture around too it has been soo much fun to redecorate! We even had extra paint, like an entire gallon extra! So we will probably paint the kitchen and hallway to match; I mean its only paint and it doesn't take that long. Now I am just on the hunt for the perfect fabric for curtain in the living room. I hope to find and get them done before it gets cold out, I need them to help keep in the heat!

look at those cute girls!

I think it makes things so much brighter and will help a TON in the winter when I don't want to open the blinds because it will let in the cold!
I can't have a blog without a photo of baby so why don't we end with one of her in her new Cougar sweatshirt! She watched her first Cougar game with daddy on saturday! With an intermission for some shopping with Mom, Grandma, Mandy, and Shari!